You are an average 24 year old, with an average life working for a detective agency. You didn't like to admit it, but you where kinda emo. You liked bands like FOB and MCR, but you absolutely loved Panic! at the disco...
And guess what, a coworker (also a good friend) of yours HAS TICKETS FOR A CONCERT OF P!ATD. IN FRONT ROW.
You are fReAKiNg OuT!!!!
And finally, the day arrives. And you see him. Brendon jumps in stage and begins singing, and casually looks at you... YOU ARE REALLY PANICKING.
But then, not even letting him sing a single song, some weird guys with a sky mask appear on stage, there are like 15 of them. They grab Brendon pointing him with a gun in his head, and pointing the security guards.
And then, all of the sudden, he's gone. And the hijackers weren't there either.
What are you going to do?
(I'm sorry to say that for the sake of this story, Sarah Urie doesn't exist. I completely love her and I have nothing against her. And THIS IS ALL FICTION GUYS. OMG DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING "UuUuH wHy ArE yOu WrItInG aBoUt HiS lIfE yOu DoN't KnOw AnYtHiNg" AND IT'S TRUE BUT, COME ON GUYS THIS IS A GODDAMN FANFICTION okeh? Thanks. Luv y'all)
Not completed
I'll try to update regularly (bahaha I wished)