When You Realize You've Become 'That Mom'...and What Comes Next
41 Bagian Lengkap DewasaNavigating parenthood doesn't come with an instructional manual. Now before you go saying 'Cathy, they have those you know'
I will say "Sure, they have tons of books from tons of different people that think they know better than everyone else but no one really has all of the answers."
Now be forwarned.
I will take you on an emotional rollercoaster. When I am done with you, you won't know what you should be feeling but you will feel something. Is it anger, sadness, pity, or shame? I can't tell you how your story will end but I can tell you mine.
So, if I haven't scared you off yet, buckle up, buckle in, and get ready for a bumpy ride. Warning, things aren't always as they seem and you may not be ready for it. Don't say I never did anything for you.