White Horses on the Bay is an 80,000 word literary fiction spanning two eras in one extraordinary seaside town. The main narrative follows six days in the life of Fisher Sullivan, a young grave digger and church custodian struggling to find meaning and acceptance in his isolated world. The unusual but true story of a famous opera star, now buried in the historic cemetery Fisher maintains, echoes throughout the book. Twillingate, Newfoundland in the spring of 1964, is the setting for the whirlwind of events that challenge Fisher to think beyond his self inflicted solitude. The late 1800's and the beginning of the 20th Century is the era of the opera star who left the same quiet fishing village for the grand theatres of Europe. Fisher Sullivan and Georgina Stirling live in separate times yet their need for love and their ties to home remain constant forces in their journeys. Fisher's grandmother, Norma Sullivan, awaiting her own death in Twillingate's Memorial Hospital, has lived through both eras. Her last days are filled with memories of the way things used to be and perhaps still are.
37 parts