Check out this brand new experiment where you can get paid to smoke weed by NASA for $18,000.00. It is not real, but the idea sounds real nice. There have been programs where people have been paid to sample cannabis products, however NASA is not one of them. CannaSOS reports: Usually at some point in the day (and for some of us, multiple points) many of us find ourselves wishing we could abandon our responsibilities to return back to our beds to live out the rest of the day under a quiet refuge of blankets and smoke weed. Despite the guilt of chronic laziness, a day in bed sounds pretty darn relaxing-if only we could financially support ourselves by doing so. Perhaps getting paid to smoke weed will become a more common occurrence as marijuana legalization continues to spread. However, the idea that NASA will embrace marijuana is not as far fetched as you might think. Since we are talking fantasy in this segment, have you read The Martian? Andy Weir, the author, not only made a fantastic fiction, but he also tied in the realities of what it would take to get to Mars and live on it based off of his research about what NASA has learned about space travel thus far.All Rights Reserved