Emmett Cullen wrecked me. I didn't see him coming. Or his interesting family. Not even the directions that they pull me or the terrifying escapades my twin sister drags me into once we move to our hometown that is ironically named after a utensil. I didn't expect to find much here. But I found him. He told me he would ruin me. He spoke with a voice that dripped with sweet honey and charming words that made her heart feel warm. His beauty far outmatched hers, but he never failed to show her that disagreed. His laughter never not brought joy to her soul and his flirtations a smile to her lips. That was when she knew he would stick true to his words. Emmett Cullen would indeed ruin Eden Swan, I realized. And oh, how I can't wait to see my downfall from his golden eyes.
...in love.
With a vampire. Definitely didn't see that one coming.
Kally vagyok. Apám Damon Salvatore anyám Lisa Petrova/Wilson. Anyám elhunyt születésem közben sosem ismertem viszont Bonnie a boszi mindenféleképpen vissza szeretné hozni. Én egy tibrid vagyok (boszi-vámpír-farkas). 6 hónap alatt lettem olyan mint egy 19 éves lány nagyon gyorsan növekszem viszont 19 év után már nem változok.
!Aki nem olvasta a vámpírok városát az elöször azt olvassa mert ez annak a folytatása!