Shadow Elves, more commonly known as Shadow Walkers, are the rarest race ever created. Over the course of written elvish history, Shadow Walkers have appeared as female only, lacking genetic markers from any other species and discovering their abilities at the age of 22. This race is born as a keystone for war between all Elves. Any side the Shadow Walkers choose to join has been known to win. A Shadow Elf has been observed to hold the following powers; 1. Communicating and controlling their own shadow. 2. Killing others by destroying the link from their (the other organisms) own shadow. 3. Concealing and creating objects from shadows for short term use. 4. Traveling vast distances inside what was nicknamed the "Shadow Dimension." These Elves are both at an advantage and a disadvantage. Killing this Elf puts an end to the war to come. Despite all these abilities, only one has ever survived through all of history, the first of her kind. She helped the Light Elves take control of the Tree of Life, they repaid her by ending the life of every Shadow Elf to follow to continue as the protector of the Tree. Unless they (the Walkers) master control over the Shadow Dimension, these rare Elvin creatures are at risk of being consumed by their very own shadow. I breathed out slowly with my teeth clamped together like a horse. "I knew I wasn't a leprechaun." Best Rankings #68 in fae Side note: I'm constantly editing so chapters will be updated every now and then, the storyline won't change but things will go more into detail or dialogue will be added as needed.All Rights Reserved