Sachihiko, also known as Sachi was a typical girl who normally lives with her parents until the day comes when her life starts to crash into pieces. She found out that she had a disease which is known to be incurable. Knowing that she wouldn’t have the chance to be cured and to live longer, she had lost her hope to fight and to treasure the time that left for her to live. Waiting for the time of your death was very painful yet, she had come to the point where she doesn’t care anymore because she was indeed HOPELESS. Until one night, she encountered a blood sucking creature which is supposed to be impossible and intended to kill her. Like always, she was ready to die but unfortunately, he met this guy named Chihiro who did things carelessly and accidentally turned her into a creature who lives for eternity. Now, everybody thought that Sachi was already dead. “which is true” They both agreed to let her live for a SHORT time and in return for his being careless, Chihiro will help her accomplish her remaining dreams and finished the things she needs to do before she will gone completely. Will she able to accomplish her dreams? Will she be able to live easily in her new limited life? Will she let her family know that she was still alive even if it's forbidden? Questions were flooding. . . . Find out the answer in the adventure of this young, teenage, ONE WEEK VAMPIRE. ^^
4 parts