Sam, a girl who was abandoned on her day of birth, grew up to be a 17-year-old girl who passed foster families from one to the other. She smokes, drinks, and at night works as a prostitute. In the mornings she works at McDonald's.
. Sam has many scars in her life, although not physical but mental, but she survived everything from sleeping in the street to rape. Sam was a second before death until Stephanie came into her life.
Stephanie is a wealthy woman in her 40s. She is elegant, smart and sometimes a bad n cold woman. She Owner of a luxury car company and runs the capital market and the New York Stock Exchange. She is Unhappily married and is in divorce proceedings.
Because of a business meeting she goes to Rhode Island
where Sam is also there.
This is a story where age is just a number!
Responsible for binding:@quietmenace
מפעם לפעם, נועם מרגיש כמו ילד קטן.
הוא לא יודע למה ואיך ומה, הוא רק יודע שאין לו אף אחד בעולם חוץ ממיפי, הבובה הוורודה שלו.
טוב... לפחות עד שהוא צריך לעשות עבודה באומנות עם דין, ילד בכיתה שלו.