In the kingdom of Ascar, 17-year-old Ayben begins his second year at the prestigious Dressdardon Magic Academy. This year, he achieves a significant milestone by forming a Soul Pact with Rizel, a mirror familiar from the enigmatic Mirror Realm, a parallel dimension where reflections and illusions take sentient forms.
While soul pacts are celebrated achievements that significantly enhance a mage's power, Rizel's cold and distant demeanor surprises Ayben, as such bonds are typically founded on deep friendships. The lack of a strong connection hinders Ayben's Soul-Bound magic, leaving it practically non existent.
As Ayben and Rizel confront imminent dangers, embark on daring adventures and navigate the academy's complex magical curriculum, their bond slowly deepens despite their initial conflicts. Meanwhile, Ascar faces escalating threats from the Fae, a mystical race with ancient powers and conflicting agendas.
With the kingdom's stability at risk and war with the Fae approaching, Ayben's relationship with Rizel is tested like never before. His evolving feelings for Rizel add further complexity as he strives to balance his personal emotions with his responsibilities. In a world where magic and politics are perpetually at odds, Ayben must push his limits and find a path to peace amid the chaos.
DISCLAIMER: The art you see is AI generated and will NOT be used in the final copy of OSN. This is merely placeholder/concept art until funds are available and an illustrator is hired. Thank you for the support!
UPDATES: I'll be posting chapters as I comb through and choose what I'm ready for eyes to see, though even after publishing, I'll still be making changes. Said changes also depend on the lovely eyes that read my work! Please feel free to leave any comments at all, critical or positive feedback is always welcome, everything helps to improve my writing. Thanks again!!