Specter grew up with John (aka master chief) when he was kidnapped she witnessed it and was kidnapped as well for knowing too much. What oni did not know was that 1)she aged really slow shes actually 12 and 2) she is part sangheili on her mothers side. So she was the second choice for a candidate her designation was 116 her armor is similar to Linda's only pitch black including the visors and was I charge of black team. Eventually her team consisting of for others the muscle of the team rock he is the tallest and strongest and has default style mjolnir armor in grey the scout Sara who has similar style armor to Kelly but in different shades of green she's second tallest tying with Alex who is the smart one wha has mark 3 armor with a wolf on the left shoulder specter is normal human hight. And (Y/N) who is (Y/H) with (F/C) armor with (s/f/c) details and has the designation of (s/d/n)