Aubrey Renee James is a 18 year old girl who lives in New York City. Stuck at home with her overly strict mother until graduation, Aubrey considers life as miserable. Her mother, Abby, seems to never have time for Aubrey, unless it yelling at her about her grades. Abby had high expectations of Aubrey, like: extremely high grades, no attitude, getting into the most prestigious college and always listen to her mother. Aubrey can't stand her mother, she always compares her to her brother Andrew. Top of the class, all star athlete, Andrew is the definition of perfect. Her mother never used to be like this, until Aubreys father died five years ago. After that everything changed. She tries to hard now to make her mother proud but nothing ever seems to be good enough
One day Aubrey receives a message from boy, thus begins her journey of teen rebellion. Anything to bring back a bit of joy in her life.
Will this boy be the key to her happiness?
Or will he be just another let down?