two riddles in one (kaishin, kaicon)
56 chapitres Terminé Kaitou KID, (a.k.a. Kuroba Kaito), has found it really hard to concentrate on heists since his little tantei-kun, (Edogawa Conan a.k.a. kudo shinichi), has been prone to get injured in some way after every heist. Starting to worry if it's because of lack of sleep or something, KID starts observing the eight year old almost every day till one day, Conan goes 'home' and here steps in kudo shinichi to the stage.
The characters don't belong to me, I'm just a kaishin fangirl contributing to this community. PICTURES DON'T BELONG TO ME either UNLESS I SAY SO and the only thing that DOES belong to me is the story plot. The story can be suggestive but no smut.
"Hello, look out, kaishin lovers, maybe new story will come out soon," December 1, 2021.