On a morning in early spring, as the sun's warmth chases away the prior night's frost and fresh buds are just beginning to bloom in window boxes, four travelers sit in a Parisian café. Each is at a different table, and each has a different story to tell. They barely acknowledge one other, too lost in their own thoughts to notice that those surrounding them aren't locals. Some are downing cups of coffee, some are eating pastries. Others are listening to the jazzy music plinking through a speaker from somewhere on their right, or reading the morning paper, which details the uplifting news of a dog being rescued from the Seine. But each is reflecting on their journey, and none of them would wish to be anywhere else. -- My entry for the Marriott Traveler #SoloTravel contest! -- NOTE: Cover image is from We Heart It (however, filter and text were added by me).All Rights Reserved
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