So, just wanted to start with a little thank you for reading the title, seeing the cover and thinking, "hey, this could be interesting..." This is my first published work since joining wattpad in 2013, back then I'd recently immigrated to Australia, was in high school and all around kid. Now, I'm a first year uni student, soon to be full time retail worker and just general exister in our universe.
The following is a relatively short series of thoughts, prose, poetry that you may peruse at your leisure. Revise it later, maybe it means something now and won't in the future. I don't like to toot my own horn but here are a few reviews...
"Its like Rupi Kaur meets social media! A provocative insight into adolescence and the digital age." - My High School English Teacher
"Wow, utterly unique! A fresh breath to the usual teen fiction popularity of the wattpad main page." - Myself
As you can see, critics everywhere hold this work in HIGH regard, it can be as short as a 10 minute read and should not be missed out on.