Serena is a cheerleader from Riverdale High School, she is a straight A student, and she loves giving a second chance. She has a loving mother who loves her, have great friends like Jughead, Archie, Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, Kevin, and Josie, but she always wish that she can find her soulmate. One day, it was the merging of Riverdale High with Southside High, and she met the serpents and she thought they are cool. But when she met Sweet Pea, she started to fell in love with him. Join Serena as she have a crazy adventure with a serpent.
Story about a girl in riverdale who has a rough time with drugs and is clean until she gets to Riverdale and meets someone who ends up roofieing her. She also finds a love interest in a Southside serpent that goes to Southside high.
This story will have a few mentions of Assault, Sexual Assault, and of course if there is OD's it will be noted under a Trigger Warning as well. If I do end up missing some Trigger Warning's that bother you please let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible!
Enjoy your read!! <3