"Lou, it's just a stupid tree, let it go!" Liam pleaded from the side, trying to get his friend to understand.
The addressed man stood in front of it, his back pressed up against the dull, grey bark as his blue eyes blazed. Louis was glaring daggers at the DNR officer who stood with the paperwork, chainsaw in hand as the woman smirked with victory beside him.
"You are not gonna touch this tree, over my dead body," he rumbled, voice shockingly low, as his fists clenched at his sides.
All of a sudden, a door opened and closed next door, causing Louis' gaze to flicker over there in a twinge of hope and happiness.
Adorned in her cute Halloween costume, Maci rushed to stand next to her neighbor, a small sign in her shaking palms that seemed to have been made by herself.
Young Maci wants to know why her neighbor loves that tree so much, and when someone out for revenge wants to cut it down, she learns more about Louis than expected.
2020 Project