Kiara is a seven years old and doesn't know that there is an apocalypse happening right outside her own little world and when her parents die she needs to find her brother. Her babysitter knows of a place to go.
រឿងមួយនេះជាប្រភេទ BL s*x ចង់អានក៏អានចុះតែបើប៉ះពាល់អារម្មណ៍កុំបន្ទោសអ្ នកសរសេរឲ្យសោះហើយក្នុងនេះក៏មានពាក្យមិនសរម្យច្រើនដែល🤏🔞 Taekook all story 🤯
Writer by me junalifa <3