Midorya Izuku, a powerful, aspiring young hero with the power of pyrokenesis; Bakugou Katsuki, an angry teen who dreams of being a hero, only to be born quirkless. When the world's number one hero, All Might, rescues young Bakugou, he is confronted with a difficult question; "Can I be a hero without a quirk?"
"Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with." -Brodi Ashton, Everneath
-Use of profanity
-Alterations to canon story
-OOC characters
Izumi Midoriya, a girl who is said to be quirkless yet still wants to be a hero. She is also the daughter of Hiashi Midoriya, the previous number one hero before All Might himself. Now she'll follow in his footsteps with her father's quirk Requip, but what will happen when she is passed the torch, One for All. Watch as she becomes the best hero that's ever existed.
Uses Requip from Fairy Tail, but takes place in My Hero Academia.
Warnings: Contains some offensive language (Swearing)