iM sOrRy
Highest rank: 2 in transtord (4 in bottomtord)
Tom had always been abusive towards Tord, punching, blackmailing, yelling and a lot of other things. He didn't like Tord at all, until he found out what Tord does and how it affects him. He then becomes the opposite of what he was
Tord had always been abused throughout his whole life from at least one person, Tom and his father were the worst until he moved in with his two best friends, who he now calls his parents. He loved Tom no matter what, but he hid secrets from him and was scared of what Tom would think. Until Tom found him about to do something.
Tord is not good at English, and a little
Tom is a god damn tea addict, amazing at English, and a daddy dom
When Tom becomes nice he will act more like my gf and my friend while Tord acts like me
cause i mean why not
iM sOrRy
art not mine idk who made it sorry
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