An original series set in the years after the filming and final production of Harry Potter , Deathly Hallows, part 1&2. A new girl named Cloe Sanchez arrives at Jack Taylor Elementary School in Burleson, Texas in the year 2012. Here she meets her archnemesis Teresa Marie Farling , a mean girl from the very start of school. She and The Royals Of the Texans, and their armies of Cool Kids go after those in the be drama departments, the choir, dance, karate and music. That doesn't seem to be enough since there is also no chess players safe from their scorn. The level of torture had been going on since her older brother Seth Furgis Farling , Jr went here. He's now a Junior at Burleson High School, and has a car like that seen in Need for Speed . Murder is also present like a plague. Cloe Sanchez whose Mom is an FBI profiler in Texas knows how to help her daughter solve the cases.
3 parts