Let me ask you a question.
How many times have you looked up advice, whether it be via inspirational quotes, reading articles on people you've never met about people who accomplished their goals by following their dreams, or YouTube? Well- don't. You don't need it. Yes, we've all heard the "Be yourself" speech loud and clear from sunrise to sundown, but; It's lost its meaning. It's light, it's glow. It's power. Help me restore it.
We, the people, young and old, tall and short, brave or shy, gay or straight, black or white, bold or not- We can ALL, make a difference. We can all, make change happen. One. Person. At a time.
"You're leaving me, we were suppose to do this together fats, we were suppose to accomplish this together..."
The young woman looked up at the gentleman in front of her with nothing but pure hurt, she couldn't believe the words she was hearing right now.
"Yo' you have to stop being attached to me, you're not my girlfriend slim- chill dude I can't do this.." Marion shook his head.
The young woman looked at him with a chuckle before walking away. "Fuck you!"