23 Bagian Lengkap DewasaCarmen's family never had much. They didn't have much money to buy the newest things, or fancier clothes, but none of that mattered. Her family had always believed that if you had family, you didn't need any of the other things. If you had family, you'd get through anything. However that mantra didn't uphold when Carmen's parents started going through tough times. After being banned from the East L.A. speedway track for unnecessary fighting, Carmen's father began looking for hope at the bottom of any barrel of beer. He was always coming home drunk, angry at the track and the world for taking racing away from him. It all became too much for her mother, and soon their family was separated, a family no more.
But now that she's back in East L.A. will Carmen be welcomed back into her family with open arms? Will the family business ruin her chances of love? Or will it make them stronger?