Xaiva (Ex-Aye-Vah) is 16 years old. She attends 'Cali High' High-school in California. Which is funny, a lot of people are stoners at 'Cali High'. Her life is so... Unusual & scrambled. She has about 4 to 6 best friends who know her life about as well as she does. Her "best-est" friend? His names Skylar. He's 17. They basically both trust each other with their life's. She's not the typical blonde hair blue eyes tall and model figure, buuuut she's a color changing eyed, red-ish orange brown long hair and...not that tall for her age at her highschool. And that's why one of her nickname is "Shorty". One morning she woke up and found in the mirror her pupil in her now, odd eye color was almost the shape of... A diamond?All Rights Reserved