Her name is Queen. Королева In Russian. She only Cared about herself and Only herself .
I got off the plane, I was going back to Hell itself. The Place I should be calling home. Well, It wasn't really home because it only held bad memory's. The Memory where My dad found out my mom was secretly sleeping with the Gardner. Don't Worry, she got kicked out the next day. She sends me and my brother Postcards telling us how wonderful her life is Now. She's Such a b!$Th.
"Hello Lorenzo." I said Holding on to my Gucci bag tightly.
"Hey, Queen." He said with a smile plastered on his face.
"Anything, Exciting Happen today." I said. "It's a Shame I missed Drama more than I miss my father." It was true I did miss Drama more.
"Actually something Crazy did Happen, Your dad got married again." He said opening the door for me.
"He Did What." I was Heated. I closed the door not letting Lorenzo do it for me. "Lorenzo, Drive faster than Normal, I want see what the h@ll this man is up to." I said referring to my Father.
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