Hello, thank you so much for reading!! In case you're new to reading, or maybe haven't seen my past posts, this is my [alternate universe] telling of Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
This is simply the prologue, but I do feel it is an important part of my story uwu
I write this like I would RP, so it might not be super good, but all of it comes from the heart.
The story will follow 23 year old Helena, an Ardainian driver who wants to prove her strength, and the two blades whom follow her path. Not only hers, but her blade's backstories will all be told through story.
I plan for this to be like, somewhat long with several chapters, and of corse, two books (tgc and base)
The reason it is "retold" would be because I am still using the game's plot, but it's not the main focus, nor is it the same journey as my main character. I classify this as an au because I do in fact add characters whom know the canon characters on different levels (acquaintance - Love interests - close friends, etc) and there are events that I may alter or change entirely for story purposes.
Thank you, to all of the supporters I've had. Without you guys, this would NOT have been posted here.
I do not take credit for anything except OCs (original characters), which will be clearly labelled. I'll try to follow the original story but it is written from the point of view of an OC, so a lot of the plot should be fairly original, but I can't take credit for anything that actually happened in the show.
This is my first time writing fanfic, so please tell me if there's anything I'm doing wrong involving copyright issues and things like that and I'll gladly solve the problem ASAP. Also, if there are any grammatical errors or things like that, please point those out too!
Characters X OC
Fable (Fae) Rowley, a girl who ran away from her home in London and found a new life somewhere in the North of England, sets off on her own blading journey. Her aim: become the world's best blader. The outcome: love.
The layout works like this: all of the stories start off the same, but then each of the boys gets their own story with her. Some start at different chapters, so there will just be filling-in chapters until then. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, hopefully you'll immediately see what I've done but if not I'll try to explain a little better.