12 days agreement
This is our agreement...
1. Introduce me to your family.
2. Ask me on a date.
3. Watch movies with me.
4. Eat dinner with me.
5. Went out of the country with me.
6. Introduce you to my family.
7. Make me happy.
8. Don't lie to me.
9. Be with me wherever I go.
10. We'll watch my idol's concert together.
11. Don't fall in love with me,
and lastly,
12. Leave me.
If you fail one of our agreement, I'll give you a consequenzes. I, *your name*, I promise to you that I will fullfill your 12 agreements. I'll never hurt you, I'll waste my time to be with you. No matter what happen.
Dencio Gilmor Salazar
Solenn Mean Soliman
Start: 10-8-18
Ended: 1-29-19