Based off of the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast, it follows a girl named LeiaAnna and her little brother Natsu and their father Seanic, an inventor who will not tell them of their mother Aurora, who moved into a small town where Leia and Natsu do not fit into. Leia is a bookworm who loves to read fantasy books about princesses and loves to read history books, poetry, and has her father's nerdy side and has her mother's free spirit and curiosity of the world as well, Natsu is a small-minded bookworm like Leia, except he will only read books about dragons which helps him unlock his powers, he also loves to collect leaves, he also has his father's cockiness but his mother's bravery. While far away lived Rouge, a dragonslayer who does not know how to love unlike his brother Sting. That all changes when Leia and Natsu come to save heir father from the dungeon. When the two dragonslayers agree to swap places with their father, they meet Sting and Rouge for the first time and the deal is done. Natsu enjoys the place and already grows a liking with a friend of Sting named Lucy, while Leia has a hard time cooperating to Rouge at first, until she learns she has feelings for him inside her, as well as learn they have something in common. Her ex-boyfriend Tech however, will not stop until he brings Leia and Natsu back to the village and make Leia his bride and holds Seanic hostage in the process. Will Leia tell Rouge she loves him, will Rouge learn to love, will Natsu and Leia learn about what really happened to their mother, or will Tech get what he wants and win Leia as his bride permanently?
As Dallas and Drayton navigate life in the spotlight, Spencer is navigating intense feelings for Nathan - her best friend's brother.
Dallas and Drayton are planning their wedding, talking babies and learning how to navigate life in LA now that Drayton is a hotshot football player in the big leagues. Meanwhile, Spencer and Nathan are back at home in Colorado, coming to terms with their feelings for one another and learning how to co-parent with Grayson, the father of Spencer's daughter. Will the realities of adult life strengthen them - or will their relationships break?
[Sequel to The QB Bad Boy and Me]
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