I've seen terrible stories like this and wanted to write a good, entertaining one. Ask Jeff or Ben any truths or dares to do at the Creepypasta mansion. They'll do anything really, they're bored asf. @DEATHBLOODROSE DISCLAIMER! This story contains swearing, violence, and maybe slightly sexual themes, depending on what people dare them to do. In this story I'm gonna say Jeff does stuff like smile, blink, widens his eyes, etc, so don't @me saying shit like "He CaN't Do ThAt! He BuRnEd OfF hIs EyElIdS! He CaN't SmIlE, hE aLwAyS sMiLeS!!!" BISH like, hop off my dick please, Goddamn 😂 (I even might make Slenderman blink and shit, just deal with it) Enjoy :D