In Bakugou's Kingdom (Sun Kingdom) sunshine is part of citizens everday life. And rain is something they never experienced... However somewhere far away in the east, a laned called the Rain Forest Kingdom (Rain Kingdom In short), their weather is reversed, and everybody who was born and had given special training has the power to create rain with their beautiful voices.
Bakugou Katsuki has conquered every single land and has expanded the Sun Kingdom's economy in three years since he was crowned king. Upon learning about the Rain Kingdom's power to create rain, Katsuki decides to marry Izuku Midoriya, one of the Princes in the In the RainKingdom.
But those who are outside the Sun kingdom have spread many rumors that katsuki bakugou is is cruel, ruthless, and tyranicallu ruler, as all this words reach to Izuku, he prepares himeself for the worst. And when he finlly met his Fiancé, Izuku discovered and slightly different person from what he really imagined as.
MainShip: BakuDeku
Author's note:
I do not own any of the characters in Boku no hero academia
And please this my first boook sooo dont hate me for all of the wrong things and spellings and other more.