I wasn't use to this, it was creepy watching him smirk at me, some reason i was into it? He gestured me to him but he was still scaring me in a way. I looked the other way, ignoring him. He must be on something to think i'm going to him. He seemed fed up, walking over to me he lifted my head up from my chin. "I know you see me." he looked angrily. i nodded my head. i know i saw him, that doesn't i'm going to him, he's not going to get me that easy. i continued to ignore him playing hard to get. He shook his head. i think he noticed i was playing hard to get. He removed his hand from my chin and smirked. He wrapped his hand around my throat suddenly so tight i began to choke losing the air. He leaned into me, feeling his breath basically in my mouth, his lips were so close i felt the force in his voice. "I said your going to play with me."All Rights Reserved