The seemingly normal adventures of the Thodean family. The four siblings traveled to Rulvora, the home of a thousand planets. There its said to be a central hub of over a thousand known species of beings throughout the universe. Aris, Amethyst, Alister, and Angelia all born on earth but are of pure Xurean blood, have fled for their safety to Rulvora. It all started with their grandparents and a war between Xuria, their home planet, and Goroth. Their grandparents Lox II and Demir were of royal blood and its said that the children of royal blood every ten centuties are born with special abilities of great power. And so, their grandparents left Xuria for earth. So these four siblings are on the run from the Gors people. Due to the long and tireless feud between their people. And above all else they all have been gifted with special abilities since birth that they have sworn to keep secret. Except, what happens when someone catches a glimpse of one of their abilities?All Rights Reserved
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