When she was younger, Grace always thought there was something romantic and inspiring about fighting for the one you love and trying to win them back.
But as she sits here, broken and lost, she has come to realize that there is absolutely nothing amazing about trying to convince someone to love you back.
"Does it still hurt?" Alexzander asked her.
"Yes, and I think it always will, at least a little," Grace said glancing at Alex.
"But you said you didn't love him anymore," Alex said as he sits next to her in a dark room.
"I don't. But I used to. He had my heart in his hands. He was gentle while he cared, but when he stopped caring, he crushed it, and it won't ever be the same. I gave him everything, and he won't give it back. He chose someone else, even though he already had every piece of me. But time will heal me. Probably not completely, but to the point where it only hurts on the bad days. And I am going to only have a few of those."
"I honestly do not know what type of game you're playing here but do not think, not for a second that I will leave my wife for a slut like you." He began to yell in a harsh tone, causing me to freeze in my tracks." Give me one good reason, why I should love you and if you think a baby will change the way I feel about you then you're wrong. I don't love you River. In fact, I never will." He said, with venom in each of his words.
I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I could not believe this is the picture he had of me.
"Love simply does not have reason love is an indescribable feeling and I am not asking anything on your behalf, "I replied, matching the same tone as his.
Of course, deep down I knew it was all a lie.
One disastrous turn of events drives River to do the impossible to save her family and that is put to the test when she is asked to sleep with billionaire Ethan Scott, so she may carry the heir to his company.