Many have attempted to understand Divination-the art
of revealing the secrets of the past, present and
future-with the aid of playing cards. But it is to the
gypsies one must go if truth in the meanings is to be found.
In the following pages, you'll discover the authentic
method of reading the cards, as handed down from the
Zingari and used in gypsy camps. I've condensed the
instructions into a format that can easily be followed by
anyone of normal aptitude and ability.
Telling fortunes for family, friends and associates is a
source of fun and amusement for all. Your presentations
will literally help you to become "the life of the party" -
and in demand wherever you go. Readings may be
performed informally at home, or at fairs, charity bazaars,
and even in a private office setting should you wish to
make fortune telling your vocation.
A quick word of caution. Gypsy lore warns that each
person shall have his or her fortune told no more than once
per day. More often than that could interfere with a
person's Destiny. There's no point in tempting Fate, so I
feel obligated to pass the Zingari's warning on to you.
Now that we've taken care of housekeeping, it's time to
begin our lessons. Not to worry - practicing and learning
is part of the fun!
I hope you derive as much enjoyment in presenting
readings for your family and friends as I've had in
compiling this book. May good fortune smile upon you!