jack has always felt that something was missing in his life.He would often look at himself and felt that he wasn't complete Though he never understold why.When he and crow made amends that emptiness went away a little but it was still there. He was always attacted to the tops area but for what. Was it to get their attention? No because when he did he didn't feel he need it What was it that he was missing Yusei was a topsider. Hes always known his life their. But he is always looking down at the commons area . His parents tell him he shouldn't be interested in that place but he couldn't help but feel something in him was empty. He would often see posters of the king jack atlas around and he felt he knew him but he knew he never met the guy. Besides he was a scientist not a duelist. At least thats what he always thought But what happens when they see eachother again Memories start to flood into them like wildfire after their encounter and they soon would fund themselves in the center of everyone attention this story kinda takes place in the arc v universe but the characters from arc v wont be their besides jack and crow and yusei hope you like this storyAll Rights Reserved