This is a story about a 13 year old seeing three red bloody dots on the wall and she's the only one who can see it... One day Jessica got out of bed and went to the Kitchen and her mom was in the living room.She went to the fridge to get some food but when she aproched the fridge she saw three bloody red dots on her fridge then she screamed and her scream was just like one in a horror film.Her mom ran as fast as she could then...she was confused she dident know why her daughter was screaming and pointing and the fridge.her mom said "why are you screaming WHY are you pointing at the fridge" she stoped screaming "Mom..." "yes honey" "why are there three bloody dots on the fridge"her mom stared at her confused "what do you mean"the girl stood there in shock "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MOM?!?! THERE ARE THREE BLOODY RED DOTS" the mom walked away confused and unsure about her daughter.THE NEXT DAY....the next day Jessica went to school but something unusual about the wall could it be?!?the three bloody red dots the girl ran to her class 5 minuets late she had been staring at the wall for five minutes and then math to Science to P.E but she still was thinking about the dots on the wall.AT HOME she jumped on her bed not saying a word to anyone then she saw a doll she had a cold feeling about the doll it looked vintage and torn she got scared but went to sleep early.NEXT DAY she woke up and first thing she saw was the red dots she finally wanted to put a stop to this but then realized that her friend in kindergarten drew three dots and died the day the little girl had gave Jessica a paper with three red dots then she soon realized that those dots where the dots her best friend in kinder drew so ever since that day she has thought of the three dots as a friendly reminder....