Tales From The Tire Swing
  • مقروء 38
  • صوت 0
  • أجزاء 6
  • الوقت 8m
  • مقروء 38
  • صوت 0
  • أجزاء 6
  • الوقت 8m
مستمرة، تم نشرها في أكتـ ٢١, ٢٠١٨
During the summer when I was little we would visit my grandmas camp. Right down the street was another camp on the dam with a small tire swing for their children. It swung over the dam and they would jump off and swim. Some of my best memories are at that camp, and especially on that swing.

I was too little to remember anything other than the key points of most of the stories, so the dialogue is fabricated.
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