Ashley Walker is a teenager leaving her life for a small town in the U.K. When her mother gives her a simple task she ends up meeting a boy named Niall, who she feels could possibly be something important to her. It was love at first sight, but when one of his best friends ends up falling for her too, things get a little complicated. Once she knows each of these boys for there real selves, who will she choose?The one she fell in love with at first, or the one who is secretly in love with her. Plus, will Niall and the rest of his friends be able to but up with the baggage she has brought with her. Ashley's past has been nothing but a roller coaster of bad things. Will the boys be able to convince her this is a fresh start, and the people that brought her down in the past are know over and done with? With all that, she finds out that the boys were recent contestants on a popular show called the X-factor and are now being signed to a record deal, and are day by day becoming a worldwide sensation. What troubles will it bring to her friendship with these boys and mainly the one she loves? Could everything end up falling apart because of her past and their future? Or will true love be able to over-come it all?