35 parts Complete We have all known that friendship is the stepping stone for love and it makes love stronger.
Well well but what if you THINK you love your friend. You confess it. Your families know each other well......you may get married, isn't it? But what is a love story, if without drama ;)
And, if in the interim, you get doubtful about your feelings and you think you actually are not in love, what do you do then?? You might as well part ways. But then you are best friends right? how can one part ways from best friends? So they decide, "Let's just stay friends!!" And what do you think sticking around, 'just as friends', would lead them to?? LOVE DEFINITELY ISN'T A FEELING YOU GET SURE OF TOO EASILY!!
A hell lot of drama happens with Dharam Hansraj and Kavya Sharma. Whose mother's are best friend......
Read further to find what was totally unexpected but eventually, happily accepted...........