Inspired by the fantastic movie, The Cat Returns. "The aftermath of war, is no place I'm fond of. Yet for the past month I've been sleeping upon it. Resting upon mangled corpses of women and children, their skin still sizzles. We can all hear them, the voices, nothing but cold whispers. Their words, infested with disease. Our gods have fed us nothing but lies, of which lured us to war as well as our King's impetuous - almost contrived, mistakes. Desolation, the result, as to be expected. And now we lay, in some decimated ruin of a barricade, held firm by our selfish desire to survive. And glued to each of our tortured, schizophrenic minds, abandonment." - Extract from journal of Amtheyr Hayashi, 1984- 2013, Sixteen and expected to command an entire army of foxes, the outcome must be a definite victory, for the power that I've been plagued with, is religiously believed to immunise me from defeat. And who'd of thought a simple glance of a fox, would've gotten me involved.