( based off the glorious maskman 626 art) for as long as they remember the tribes had always been at each other's throats. Many eons when the civil haven in the underworld was just founded the strongest smartest and fastest of the tribes joined forces to protect the city from corrupt demons from the outerlands. They created powerful gemstones that gave them control of the elements and the ability to travel into our world- the overworld, an opposite version of their underworld, that relied on technology and rules, rather than the magic and traditional ways of the underworld. These stones were passed through generations until one team fell apart and scattered them to the ends of the underworld and overworld causing a war to break out among the tribes. In a future with dictatorship, unfair rules, and discrimination based off of race, 7 young heroes of all different backgrounds step up despite societal expectations wishing for them to hate each other , and become the heroes that shape the world they've always dreamed of.