Imagine having a great childhood up until you turn 9... Yes, I know way too young right? Well that doesn't really matter to some people, they think nothing of it even when you come to them scared, sobbing and feeling like your skin is on for from HIS touch... They do nothing, they laugh about it, they talk about it like it's the most 'interesting' thing they've heard and it hurts. Now you feel absolutely alone, you have no-one to talk too because you think since your family- the ones who said they loved you, the ones who you thought would have your back through any/everything- laughed at you and made fun of you. You began to get closed off not trusting anybody anymore, you start losing yourself, you go back to HIM just so you could feel something hell anything but all it does is make you hate yourself even more, and it's been continuing on for years now. How? Simple, because you're basically a pro at masking your emotions now to the point were you yourself start to believe you're okay, when on the inside you know that's a lie. Your soul is black, she's hiding, she's scared and she's crying. You're nothing but a walking corpse on the inside but you'd make sure no-one knew that from the outside...
Hey you, yes you the reader, I have a question for you. Just tell me.. How can you break something/someone that's been shattered for years now?? You don't know how do you? Well that's fine, I'll tell you just read my story and find out just how shattered I really am. But don't worry it'll only hurt your heart a tad:)