Hazel Salvatore believed that in her lifetime that she would have three great loves and that each one would have its own special purpose- that each would teach her a valuable lesson. She had only experienced two and was searching for a third life lesson. Her first love, her 'fairy tail' love that had ended in a not so happily ever after; it ended unlike how she had pictured. Her second love- her hard love, her train-wreck of a love that had not only torn her to bits, but it had chewed her up, spit her out and stomped all over the ruined pieces of her heart. She was still waiting for her final love; the love that would knock her flat on her ass and make her think that it was too good to be true. She was waiting for an all-consuming chemistry that would fizzel into existence from the moment that she locked eyes with the love that felt just right. That's why when she had caught sight of Niklaus Mikaelson she knew straight away; but she also knew that he was dangerous and that she should stay away from him. She also knew that he knew what she thought of him, or at least a variation which caused his infatuation with her to become even more apparent. [Klaus x OC] [vampire diaries // the originals] [cover by the amazing @bitchinpetrova]Tous Droits Réservés