Content Warning : The material contained herein deals with sensitve topics and mature themes, so proceed with caution. I am not responsible for your choices, as I have already warned you.
Rated 13+
Sensitive topics include, but aren't limited to: Gender and body dysphoria, bullying, harassment and intimidation, physical, emotional, and verbal abuse, some depression, scientific descriptions of the body and gender reassignment surgery, and needle use (for hormone injections).
If any of these topics are triggers for you, then this story is not for you. This is a work of fiction heavily based off of the author's own personal experiences and other stores that he has read about. It is meant to be informative as well as a fun read to help better understand what it is like to live life hated as a result of being transgender.
I wander through the halls in my school and home. Through shopping aisles and town streets. Ma'am, girl, lady, she.. it's how I am addressed. When someone doesn't know me, they always call me that. Maybe I get he once in awhile, but when my face is shown the person "corrects" theirself.
"Corrects." Because it isn't right.
I'm a boy. I recently came to this realization. I'm not hurting anyone. I was just born in the wrong body. That's all it is. I don't understand how hard it is for people to understand this. But it doesn't matter. I'm still ostracized from groups at school now.
Sometimes, I feel as if I shouldn't be alive.
My story begins in my high school, a senior, a transgender female to male (ftm) peer. It begins in a home where I get cut down for being like this. It begins in a world that isn't accepting of those like me. It begins with my friends who don't misgender and dead name me.
It begins.