In 1941, four infamous mercenaries are offered one million dollars in exchange for them retrieving a letter in an envelope from a house deep within Nazi occupied France, as they progress on their mission, they start to suspect that they were set up to be killed. In 2017, following the events to an alternate version of my "Five" story, Sarah-Jane tries to get with Blake Quentinson by asking him to help with a science project she's been working on with her uncle, Nabil Barker. Reluctantly, Blake agrees, but this "project" turns out to be the work of mad scientist Ray-Barker (as seen in "Five") which Nabil developed into a time travel machine. A slight malfunction pulls the three of them as well as a significant biblical character who made a mysterious disappearance 2000 years ago into a time warp and leaves them in Nazi occupied France. Their only hope is to join forces with the mercenaries, but they'd much rather sit and discuss their theories on time travel. (don't worry, i packed pleanty of action in as well!)