blood stains is a horror story about a family who move into an old house where a notorious bloody murder has been committed.
after the murders, the house had lain Empty for two whole years. the newspapers were full of sickening details about the brutal crime and whenever propective buyers heard what had happened behind those blue concrete walls, they stayed well away.
then one day a young marrried couple Mr and Mrs Wilson came to view the house.They liked the look of it and the price was very low, soo they decided to buy it before they moved in, they had some workmen come to clean the blood stains off the walls... and the bathtub.... and the kitchen sink.
They had to install new carpeting to carry the stubborn on the floor boards and even after airing the house out for a week, there was still annidd smell that
lingered in the Hall closet.
The wilsons tought it was best to avoid telling their children about the Matt history of their new home.There was no sense in needlessly upsetting the little ones and it might cause them some sleepless nights.