"You have to be my boyfriend just now" she says panicky while holding back the door
"W-Why, i'm just your secretary, Ms. Aria" I said
"I need your help please! My mom is going to kill me if she knows I don't have a boyfriend or a future spouse!" She said struggling to keep the door closed
"S-sure" I said
I only did it because I didn't know the consequences of my own actions, and I also felt a bit pity to Aria, even though she acts manly than me
"So is this your fiance?" I heard her mother say
I've been warned about her just now, imagine that this is the amount of people who are afraid of her, I never wonder why "Aria" is the name given to her, such a girly name for a boyish girl
To be honest, I'm a girlish man and she's a boyish girl, she's a tough one, but i'm a wimp who would cry out "superman" if I got in trouble, and our positions are really unexpected
Me as her secretary
And her as my boss
Which in fictions, stories and shows are the other way around