51 parts Complete Despite never dreaming of being an idol, under the influence of Capella, Reyna Harusame (春雨 レイナ) enrolled into Pearl Star Academy. Now, as a student there, she is doing her best to understand the Aikatsu System and the cards with clothes on them, in order to achieve her dream of becoming an actress.
Together with her new friends, Yana Aikyou (愛敬 矢那) and Syurina Tanaka (田中 珠里奈), they learn to become the idols they aspire to be. After all, Aikatsu is more than just performing and wearing clothes on cards...
"This is a new beginning! My Aikatsu Era is about to start!"
Original publish date: 27 August 2019
Original completion date: 16 April 2020
Age rating: 13+
The characters and story belong to me. I do not own any of the videos.
Aikatsu itself is from Bandai.
Cards on the cover: https://www.deviantart.com/vivian274
Character images: Picrew
The cover is made using Autodesk Sketchbook