A girl ......
who lost faith in all relationships,
who suffered a lot in life and was forced to fight for her life with every last bit of her being,
who was forced to become stronger than she was, to live a life of struggle in this dangerous world without any support of her family,
who wanted to be alone her rest of the life,
who became workaholic,
who doesn't have anyone to turn to except Allah(swt), The Almighty,
who fought for her life and excelled herself in almost everything so she doesn't need to depend on anyone in her life,
and now she doesn't want anyone to enter her life and change it.
She prefers to keep her life a secret as much as possible.
She is afraid of Change.
She is afraid of Love.
She is afraid to Trust anyone or any relationship.
She is a Masterpiece CRAFTED WITH PAIN.
Almas Akhtar, a 29 years old girl and a Computer Science Engineer, just joined the company and was made the project head. Strange. If asked about her past life, the only answer all got from her was a glare saying "It's none of your business".
The most silent person, who wouldn't talk about anything but work. No one knows anything about her or her family or her past accomplishments or where she lived or worked before joining the company. Her complete aura shouts SECRETS, her life contains many secrets which no one knows.
The only thing her co-workers know is, she is a very talented and extraordinary techie and joined here in this company just for a year to complete the most challenging project their company handled till date.