The story starts in the country of Oshlia, where the main character, Aaron lives. When his town is destroyed, he and a friend travel to the capital to seek assistance from their family. On the way, Aaron finds a small red stone filled with beauty and power. What he doesn't know is the long journey he will partake in, filled with romance, treachery, lots of action, as he watches the kings of men rise and fall. And he, with his stone, will be the force that moves mountains, shifting the course of the ever changing history.
Six strangers are thrown together to participate in a mysterious game. Trapped in an enemy mountain temple, they must work together to defeat each boss and use their new abilities to come through alive - because in the end, it is a game of life...or death.
RL Gamers: Book 1
Based on the MMORPG "Aion" and one of my favorite instances in it, Beshmundir Temple.