Alfred becomes crowned King of the North Kingdom, known as Deiwin. He is only 16 years old and is still very immature, but can be serious when it comes to his country. His twin brother Matthew on the other hand, wasn't crowned to be King due him being born after Alfred, which he paid no mind to. He insisted to become Alfred's personal servant in order to stay with him and protect his older sibling, keep him from doing anything rash.. Or at least he tires to. [SLOW UPDATES] [ This fanfic is based on a song called "Servant of Evil" by Len Kagamine, Vocaloid. If you know it already then you'll know that some things that will happen BUT this won't be exactly the same. IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OF THE SONG BEFORE THEN DO NOT LOOK IT UP CAUSE ALL YOU'RE GONNA GET IS SPOILERS THAT IS A WARNING. ]